Worst Fly Tying Set: Taimen Deluxe Tool Kit – Review
Well, here’s finally a really bad review and I don’t recommend anyone to buy the Taimen Deluxe Tool Kit.
Well, here’s finally a really bad review and I don’t recommend anyone to buy the Taimen Deluxe Tool Kit.
This short guide to fly tying meetings in Switzerland introduces you to several fly tying meetings.
Once a year Bernhard Fishing one of the largest fishing stores in Switzerland located in Wichtrach open their famous trade fair where not only 10% discount attracts people, but also plenty of exciting shows. Für Deutsch siehe weiter unten!
On my third day in Auckland I finally found time to visit a fishing store. I already looked for stores back home and I found one which was of special interest for me. It was a fly fishing only store … Continued