Goat Morning! Comet Neowise Revisited
The spectacle of the comet Neowise enchanted viewers all over the globe – including me.
The spectacle of the comet Neowise enchanted viewers all over the globe – including me.
Wildlife observation and blurry stars.
Is there a critical relation between trout and kingfisher?
Never have I caught such a large specimen as my first fish of any season.
On a cold winter morning, ExpediTom and friends visited the Fälensee in Switzerland.
Had it not been for the obstructed views, we would have neither found the chamois nor met Ian.
It was a fine autumn day, when we found the most wonderful lake of the Swiss Alps in a remote valley and encountered a wild vulture.
The NZ diary has been finished, here’s an overview of the proceedings as well as a short gear list. #newzealand #travel #gear
The magnificent Calanca valley in autumn light.
A blind date that neither she nor I expected.