• Explorer mode is on
  • Swiss backcountry
  • Streamside Fondue while covering more water
  • Discussing the flies

Fishing in Company

Fishing in company doubles the joy and halves the worries, when loosing «The One».

Recently, I published the post about fishing on your own, however, there is another side to the medal.

Discussing the flies

Fly Fishing in Company

First and foremost, I love to go fishing in company with my fishing buddies, because it doubles the joy and halves the grief when loosing ‘the one’. The memories I made throughout the years are priceless and some are truly unforgettable. I vividly remember the trip with André to Germany and Austria, as well as the countless trips in Switzerland.

Fly Fishing Guiding with Attie from South Africa
Fly Fishing Guiding with Attie from South Africa

Moreover, they are not only your memories but they are shared. These memories are kindled every time anew. For instance, when you walk down memory land during winter fly tying, or other meet-ups such like the Artifishal screening in Zurich.

Streamside Fondue while covering more water

Additionally, going outdoors with a buddy gives some safety in case anything goes wrong. A friend of mine once went into a remote gorge in the Jura mountains and slipped. Luckily, he twisted only one finger and was able to return safely, but just imagine it was his leg. Being outdoors poses some serious risks. More often than not, a trip can change dramatically within seconds. Be it due to accidents or even the weather.

Swiss Backcountry fishing in company
Swiss Backcountry fishing in company


Downside to fishing in company are few. Arguably, the major drawback is the scheduling of fishing trips, which can pose issues or make a trip impossible. Furthermore, being out there together restricts fishing a honey hole usually to one person first. This is often the case in small streams. This problem can be eased by one person fishing nymphs and the other dries. Moreover, fishing buddies usually find a way to distribute pools among them adequately. Unless we were fishing behind someone else.

Even difficult days become enjoyable when fishing in company
Even difficult days become enjoyable when fishing in company

Summary Fishing in Company

All in all, fishing in company has many advantages over being by oneself. Yet, not without its drawbacksthough. Principally, fishing together with a fellow angler friend is the very essence why fly fishing casted a spell over me. Additionally, the most memorable fishing trips were the ones with funny moments shared together. It is more about the shared social experience outdoors than the size or count of the fish. In the end, we all just want to be out there having a good time.

Local knowledge - the most crucial factor for any fishing trip abroad
Local knowledge – the most crucial factor for any fishing trip abroad

Apart from the advantages mentioned, to take fish pictures it is mandatory for me to be with someone, in order to make sure to put the least stress on fish possible.

Fishing in Company - it's all about the shared experience and memories made for a lifetime
Fishing in Company – it’s all about the shared experience and memories made for a lifetime

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