• New Scott Flex
  • Fire pit close up at the Free Stone Fly Fishing Film Festival

Freestone Fly Fishing Film Festival

Yesterday, the Freestone Fly Fishing Film Festival in Switzerland took place for the very first time.

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Announcement of the rankings by Oliver

On Saturday 5 November the Freestone Fly Fishing Film festival took place in the ‘Neues Kino’ in Freienstein, Switzerland (Hint: Freienstein = Freestone). It was organised by Oliver, one of the two lads from Firebelly. You might remember Oliver from the post about Fly Fishing the Swiss Alps. The entrance fee for adults was reasonable CHF 20.- and kids could join their parents for free.

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Huge casting pool to try new fly rods
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Playground area for kids
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Casting instructor at work

Never in my life I had ever seen underwater footage of a trout that close while spawning.

Due to his connection to the Orvis company he was able to bring films from the Orvis Down the Hatch Film Festival on the screen in Switzerland. Not only were those films played, but there were other productions too. For example, a short film about the life cycle of the lake trout in Switzerland by Daniel Göz. Impressively the life cycle of those elusive fish was showed. Never in my life I had ever seen underwater footage of a trout that close while spawning. It was amazing and I wondered how long it might had taken to capture these moments.

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Whiskey degustation
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Whiskey degustation
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Fire pit in the middle of the stands
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Cosy fireplace

But the Freestone Fly Fishing Film Festival was more than just an event to watch videos together. It was a whole fly fishing fair. Before the movies started at 16:30, the visitors could have a look at various stands. Fischen.ch presented the upcoming collection of Orvis, Sascha Bachmann presented Scott fly rods as well as Lamson reels, the 1000er club had a stand too, as well as a whiskey degustation just to name a few. Another thing worth mentioning is that there was an area where children could play with some toys. So Momma and Daddy could go fly casting at the large casting pool and test for instance the new Scott Flex fly rod.

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111er Club stand
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Sascha Bachmann representing Scott and Lamson
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The new Scott Flex fly rod, which will replace the A4

This makes the Freestone Fly Fishing Film Festival already an awesome event. However, it got even better! There was a fly tying contest running with prices as well as a tombola where one could win a Helios 2 fly rod!

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Tested the 100% waterproof sling bag by Orvis coming this January
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The new hip pack by Orvis is coming in January and is 100% waterproof
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Fischen.ch stand
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Inside the ‘Neues Kino’ (=new cinema). Great location for the Freestone Fly Fishing Film Festival

Lots of great people coming together to watch films about their common passion – that’s the Freestone Fly Fishing Film Festival.

Summary of the Freestone Fly Fishing Film Festival

The Freestone Fly Fishing Film Festival was a splendid event and I loved to be there. I met some new people and seen plenty of familiar faces from all over Switzerland. Lots of great people coming together to watch films about their common passion – that’s the Freestone Fly Fishing Film Festival.

Thanks Oliver for organising this marvelous event!

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