Fly Fishing Jämtland (Part 2): Långan at Risk

In June, it was finally time for some exploration of new waters abroad: Jan and I decided to go fly fishing Jämtland, Sweden.

What’s next?

After our license for the Harkan river had expired we drove to Krokom to resupply on food and stayed at the lake Storsjön. This lake can be fished from the shore without a license as I pointed out above (2017). We camped deep in the forest. Probably here, I drank some (filtered!) lake water which caused some serious stomach ache in the following days.

Camping at Lake Storsjön
Camping at Lake Storsjön
Great conversation at the fire pit next to lake Storsjön
Great conversation at the fire pit next to lake Storsjön

Our next stop was at the Långan river. Two fishermen who we met in the supermarket in Krokom told us to visit the Kallsta Gard (Farm) where a local farmer runs a small fishing shop and has great knowledge of the river. Unfortunately the farm was closed, but the views on the little hill was worth the detour.

Getting the License for the Långan River

Having not bought a license yet, Jan and I went to the Camp Dannevall where a lovely woman helped us to find suitable spots for fishing.

We followed another gravel road upstream for 5 km until we reached one of the spots she had told us. No wonder that so many rally drivers come from Scandinavia.

Stunning vegetation next to the Långan river at about 12 o'clock in the night
Stunning vegetation next to the Långan river at about 12 o’clock in the night

Given our long fishing abstinence of almost 12 hours, we instantly began fishing to rising grayling in a slower flow of the Långan river. Although the harr took the fly from now and then, we did not manage to land one. We crossed the river and fished the faster flowing sidearm. Jan was sceptical whether fish might hold in this white water. I assured him to give it at least a try because trout like to stay behind boulders. Shortly after, Jan hooked 2 trout on the heavy jig nymph and released them.

Gorgeous brown trout from the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden
Gorgeous brown trout from the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden

Enjoying the Solitude

We took a short break with some beer and observed the surrounding. Some small trout were rising to small mayflies at arm’s length from our place. A few casts later the small fish came for a visit. Jan had not caught a fish on the dry yet, so he tried as well – with success.

Another gorgeous brown trout from the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden
Another gorgeous brown trout from the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden

We headed back to the car because we had to fight with strong wind gusts. On the other hand, the fresh winds meant that the bad weather we experienced the first few days was blown away.

Långan River at Risk

At one of our next stops along the Långan river, we met Andres a journalist from the area. He told us that the Långan river is at risk due to a project which plans to rebuild a dam, that the river took away 7 years ago. Since this happening, the fish population had thrived and migration was facilitated so that the current state of the river was as good as it had not been in the last 100 years. At the moment, the case is at the highest court. Whereas the dam company pleads a contract from 1917 that gives them the right to rebuild it in case it breaks, Andres and the resistance try to buy the river and proof its indispensable value for the environment and the community.

Beautiful stretches at the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden
Beautiful stretches at the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden

Andres told us a hidden gem to camp which was our base camp for the following 3 nights. Only meters from the river we enjoyed the solitude in the forest.

The superb camping spot Andres told us at the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden

Picky Graylings

On day 2 at the Långan, we fished the bridge pool where we watched many grayling sipping on the surface. We fished the entire day in this area, but it was not until the late afternoon that we began to catch fish. Refusing the dries we offered, the fish loved the copper bead nymph. Jan switched to his spinning gear and caught some decent pikes in the slower backwaters of the Långan. After having caught a dinner grayling, I wanted to catch my first pike on the fly. With Jan’s expertise on the behaviour of the esox it was not long until I had a vicious take on the fluffy streamer. My first pike on the fly ever!

My first pike on the fly at the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden
My first pike on the fly at the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden

We met the fisherman we talked to in the supermarket again. He struggled to entice the grayling for a dries as well.  This gave me some peace of mind, that it was not just us struggling with dry fly fishing.

The grayling fell for copper bead nymphs at the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden
The grayling fell for copper bead nymphs at the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden
Colourful dorsal fin of a grayling at the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden
Colourful dorsal fin of a grayling at the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden
Jan with a grayling caught at the bridge pool at the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden
Jan with a grayling caught at the bridge pool at the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden
Stunning pigmentation of grayling at the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden
Stunning pigmentation of grayling at the Långan river, Jämtland Sweden


The next day was a dark one for me because I spent most of the time sick in the tent. However, Jan enjoyed an eventful journey that brought him to a close encounter with two moose. Moreover, it was the first time he was fly fishing on his own. Now he had to apply all the skills I taught him the previous days to catch some fish.

And he did


Other Parts about fly fishing in Jämtland, Sweden

Part 1:Skit Fiske Hårkan River

Part 3: Fjäll around Åre


3 Responses

  1. Albert K

    Jämtland is a great place to fish, do not drink water from rivers or lakes, there are some smaller streams which is ok to drink the water. Långan is a great river to fish, not easy, advice is get a guide for half a day. Edsforsen is the top end of Hårkan, good size Graylings, Hårkan is the same as Långan ypu need to know where to go. There are so many rivers to fish or part of flowing waters between lakes.

    • Tom

      Hi Albert,
      thanks for your comment, I wasn’t aware that the water of the rivers and lakes is mostly not for consumption. I learnt the lesson the hard way.
      You’re absolutely right, best way to get accustomed to new waters is to get a guide and as much local information as possible.
      Tight lines,

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