Twenty-Twenty Rewind – There Are Highlights!
Twenty-twenty truly was an extraordinary year.
Twenty-twenty truly was an extraordinary year.
I love you for your unconditional commitment to whatever we had in mind.
Brief rewind of fishing news, travels and what’s next. Check it out!
#rewind #twentytwenty #resolutions
The NZ diary has been finished, here’s an overview of the proceedings as well as a short gear list. #newzealand #travel #gear
A blind date that neither she nor I expected.
The ground was filled with shards of glass indicating the bad neighbourhood.
Time for some serious work at the Eastern Fish&Game council in Rotorua.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly when fly fishing the Taupo region.
Waterfalls, whales and mountains – a South Island sojourn.
Brief stay on Stewart Island and making the most of 36 hours.