Nico FranzoHni Talent from Watson
“You are the top notch fisherman in Switzerland, right?” “…guess I’m among the 50’000 best in Switzerland, yeah.” – ExpediTom 2021
A couple of weeks ago, I received a call by Nico Franzoni. He’s a film maker and journalist, who works for Watson, a Swiss news channel. Nico created a new video format for Watson with the name “Franzohni Talent” (Translation: Franz without talent). In these videos, he tries various sports and generally fails miserably. He had cut videos about boxing, pilates, surfing, and ballett. Now, it was time to go fishing at some small streams in the Jura mountains. He’s done a pretty good job, if you keep in mind it’s his first fly fishing experience, but watch for yourself:
It was a pleasure to be out and about with the Watson film crew. We really had a blast filming this video. Moreover, I appreciated to see how they create videos for a news channel and all the thought that goes into it.
Tight Lines
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